Simple daily habits to ignite your passion for writing




courtesy dollarphoroclub a good cup of morning coffee
courtesy dollarphoroclub
a good cup of morning coffee

As I sit writing this post early in the morning a question springs to mind : can you teach an old dog new tricks?

Sitting here writing in the early morning has not been habitual behaviour for me. In an earlier working life ,like many of my contemporaries and many of you still today, my days were driven by a schedule to meet obligations to a workplace and family.Frequently there were early starts to a day ,for meetings,business travel and the like.Then that earlier life passed away and my days became less structured,if just as full.Now working to become a regular blogger, I am participating in blogging challenges – currently,the 30 Day Blogging Challenge – to learn and to spur me on.

Until very recently I have really struggled. Now I just struggle. However,I have decided to return to starting early each morning,once more. Hitherto,I have taken a rather laid-back approach to the day.Sometimes staying in bed long after I should have got up.Hadn’t I deserved it after years of my nose to the grindstone?But a new move to starting in early in the day was inspired by the new book,just published, of which I received a preview copy, entitled “ The Miracle Morning for Writers.” But more of this later.

Main premise of the book

The essential idea of the book is increasing writing performance by rising early in the morning at roughly the same time and carry out certain routines. These include: rehydrating,an exercise regime,enjoying a period of silence,meditation with breathe techniques, and breakfast as part of a balanced diet.
The early start to the day provides a proper time to routinely prepare for the day ahead and so get into the correct mindset for writing, and then to use the morning time when energy levels are at their highest.

Creative and writing performance peaks in the morning

In the Miracle Morning is cited academic evidence that performance peaks in the morning and you are more proactive then than others who profess to be at their best in the evening.Many successful people put down much of their success to enjoying a period of silence first thing in the mornings. I have to admit that until now I believed I was better as a night owl than as a witness to the dawn chorus.I am now beginning strongly to believe that i can continue to improve my overall writing performance by following this early morning model. I know that I can work to a deadline, often late into an evening. The adrenalin kicks-in and somehow the work gets done. How much better though, if the performance is better and the stress of it all is much reduced.

The miracle of a habit

The Miracle Morning is about turning writing into a permanent habit. It is said to take just 30 days to form a habit, and in this book you will learn that it takes just 5 minutes to become a morning person.This is the main takeaway for this post.But the book having established this key idea does have a great deal more to offer.Co-author, Steve Scott, says,”You will also learn that how to create good content that readers will love,and you can identify a writing business model that suits you.Featured also is an 8 step strategy for building a writer platform where you can sell to your true fans. ”

This article however is not intended as a comprehensive book review, concentrating as it does on the aspect of developing the habit of starting your day early, and following some energising routines to set you up for writing your daily quota, ideally in the morning too.

On habits, there is a great quote from author William Faulkner : “I only write when I am inspired.Fortunately I am inspired at 9 o’clock every morning.”

As I mentioned this not a full book review, but I have read it several times and I am now going to act on skewing my working day towards the earlier part of the day.

If you would like to obtain a copy :”Miracle Morning for Writers.” Here is a link (please note: if you do purchase a copy I shall not be compensated for the sale).

This is part of a 30 day blogging challenge.Don’t miss a thing. You can subscribe to receive notifications of future posts to this blogsite.

Wishing you well in your writing day.