The hidden wealth threat in your computer



Internet commerce is fast,convenient and can be very exciting.More and more of us now use it to improve our standard of living. But as with the old-fashioned ways of doing business, it pays to take basic precautions. There is a threat lying in wait in your computer, seeking out the unwary.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),set-up as an independent agency by the US Congress to provide stability to the banking and financial services industry in its FDIC Consumer News reports : 

‘Online banking, bill paying and shopping are conveniences that most people want to enjoy. And most of the time, high-tech transactions are completed quickly and without a glitch. However, just as with other transactions, in a small percentage of cases something goes wrong. That’s why you need to take precautions against theft and errors.

In particular, even as banks and merchants tighten up security, Internet thieves devise new, sophisticated ways to trick consumers into sending money or into revealing information that can be used to commit fraud.’

It goes on to provide on to provide 10 ways to protect your money. You can see this excellent and easy to follow advice at