The great myth of advancing years


fresh idea from dollarphotoclub
fresh idea from dollarphotoclub

If you are not ready to contemplate retirement having reached a certain age you’ll find the book “Smashing the Age Barrier: The Ultimate Survival Guide to Success and Happiness” a useful point of reference and the road map you may have been looking for to help further your aims.It may not have all the answers for you personally, but it has an abundance of strategies and resources to think about and act on. The author, clearly himself not ready to retire to the golf course, sets out to blow away the great myth about advancing years.If you do not wish to you do not have to retreat from life, change your lifestyle, slow down,and live out the rest of your life in slow motion. The purpose of his book is to provide a step by step guide to achieving your purpose,aims and ambitions in life, regardless of your age.

As he says,your aims maybe to achieve financial success or independence,allowing you to live a carefree life in retirement ,to start a new business,perhaps turn a much loved hobby into a business.You could even be planning to write and publish a book.Also he says, you will need some help.

About the Author

Christopher K. Brown created the book “Smashing the Age Barrier The Ultimate Survival Guide to Success and Happiness for the over 60s”.It was published in 2013.He was born in cambridge England in 1944.In 1966 at age 21 he migrated to Sydney Australia where he met and married Robyn 44 years ago.They have two married daughters and two young grandsons. He is the author and co-author of a number of books on a variety of subjects.In 1977 he co-authored one of Australia’s leading books on Numerology and motivation back in the late 70s.This led to extensive promotional tours in Australia and Canada, including TV and radio shows in 17 major cities.He has promoted this book on Australian TV and radio shows.

Christopher Brown’s main area of expertise has been in the marketing and promotional fields where he was a creative director at on of Sydney’s leading promotional agencies working on behalf of some of Australia’s largest and most respected companies and brands.
The Premise

Just because you have reached a certain biological or chronological age doesn’t mean you can’t pursue dreams your dreams,goals and aspirations which may not have been previously available in earlier life when family,financial and occupational commitments put them out of bounds.

The author cites as examples to back his premise a number of inspirational people who,he says, have proved beyond doubt that it is never to late to start.The roll call of names includes : Grandma Moses,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Harriet Doerr,H Eugene Jones and Bill Traylor.

Book Organisation

“Smash the Age Barrier” has 25 main chapters, a conclusion and a schedule of bibliography and contacts.

Included in the main chapters are:

  • Why retirement scares the hell out of the author – a venture that ended in disappointment for the author triggered a deep concern in the author when at 67 years of age and savings seriously depleted, the realisation of the real cost of retirement kicked-in
  • The author’s Personal Blueprint to Success That Evolved Into a Book
  • A Simple 8 Step Plan to Achieving Life Fulfilment & Success
  • The Haves and the have Not’s – which will you be?
  • The Key to Growing Old is To Think Young
  • Why there’s never been a better time to start than now
  • Turning Your life Around – in which preparation,appearance and becoming fit as it as you can be physically play an important part
  • The Magical Power of Relaxation,Meditation and Affirmations
  • How to Create Your Own Luck!
  • How perception can change your world
  • The importance of being true to yourself
  • Going with the Flow of Life
  • You are never too old to Learn
  • Working Through Confusion – don’t let confusion drain your energy
  • People who achieved great success late in life
  • Taking Responsibility for Your Life
  • Laugh through old age
  • Who wants to Live Longer?
  • Saving Money on Almost Everything is Easy When You know how!
  • How to Save Money Every day
  • Are you Asset Rich or Cash poor?
  • How to Turn Your Passion into a Business on a Budget
  • Conclusion

Who Benefits

Wow! That is an abundance of information dealing with many aspects of looking at your life goals for your 60 plus years.
As the book was published several years ago some of the figures used in some sections may need some updating but
this does not detract in any way from the direction and strategies offered in this book.

The book will be of benefit to those approaching or have reached their 60 plus years and who have the mental attitude and the determination to achieve further life ambitions.While I do not believe that the roadmap being offered is inflexible, it is a blueprint which if keenly followed should produce positive results.Even for those who are going to kick-back and take it easy, and that can be an appealing notion, there are some excellent selective takeaways from this book.For example, the content covering relaxation,improving fitness and eating healthily is worth acting on as a lifestyle choice, but that is not to try to take anything away from the ultimate package which should be considered as a whole.

You can have “Smashing the Age Barrier” delivered to your Kindle or Kindle reader and you can find it here. Smashing the Age Barrier: The Ultimate Survival Guide to Success and Happiness for the Over 60’s

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