Reverse the effects of inflammation in the arteries with the Mediterranean Diet

Italian food ingredients on wooden background (dollarphotoclub)
Italian food ingredients on wooden background (dollarphotoclub)


Enjoy the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.

You may worry about inflammatory disease such as arthritis or hardening of the arteries which can cause heart problems, many cancers and even Alzheimer’s disease. It’s very important that you discuss with your doctor any treatment that’s right for you. But, the good news is that you can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of these chronic diseases by adhering Continue reading “Reverse the effects of inflammation in the arteries with the Mediterranean Diet”

Mediterranean Diet for Beginners: A Quick Start Guide to Heart Healthy Eating, Super-Charged Weight Loss and Unstoppable Energy Book Review

mediterranean diet for beginners



The title of Gina Crawford’s most recent book says it all. For an introduction to an exciting new lifestyle you need an easy to read quick guide delivering “no fluff,no filler, and going straight to the point” as Mrs Crawford would put it. This book is just that.

Mediterranean Diet for Beginners: A Quick Start Guide to Heart Healthy Eating, Super-Charged Weight Loss and Unstoppable Energy was released in January of 2015, and reveals the “healthiest, most well respected and scientifically documented diet in the world.” Continue reading “Mediterranean Diet for Beginners: A Quick Start Guide to Heart Healthy Eating, Super-Charged Weight Loss and Unstoppable Energy Book Review”

Here’s a classic retro recipe for Mother’s Day

This one may be for you whether you are cooking, or being cooked for on Mother’s Day.

Today, on the ITV Daybreak/Lorraine programme there was featured a delicious classic retro dish I will definitely try, and which even I should be able to do. It is a vegetarian version of the classic chilli retro dish ,served with grated cheese,sour cream, guacomole, and crushed tortilla chips sprinkled over the whole. This dish is eaten with easy homemade cornbread. The recipe for this is also provided.

You can watch this easy dish being prepared. A full recipe, including ingredients and the method of preparation is given.

Make Yourself A Handsome New Year’s Cake 1891 Style

A treat for you for the New Year 2011: A handsome cake recipe from the Village Magazine of 1891:
“Rub half a pound of butter into half a pound of flour; add one cup of molasses and one of brown sugar, two pounds of chopped raisons, one pound of currants, and a quarter of a pound of chopped citron, four eggs and half a tablespoonful each of cinnamon, mace and nutmeg, and two wineglassfuls of brandy; mix all together and bake in jelly cake tins; keep the cake warm while you make, and bake in jelly tins of the same size, white cake made of half a pound of butter beaten to a cream,with half a pound of powdered sugar and five eggs,the whites beaten to a froth ; then add half a pound of flour, which should be dried by the fire and then sifted. The only wetting used is a wineglass of wine.
While the white cake is hot spread it lightly with jelly and pile it alternately with the black, having the white on the bottom and the black on the top. This cake will keep several months, but if to be eaten within a short time it may be frosted. Long keeping will darken the icing.”

Well,I’ve never made on of these! Some of the measurements though clear have not been tested by me; what of the wineglass of wine: red or white? Please if anyone does have a go at making this Handsome Cake, please let us know that we can all share your experience.
You can email me as usual at http://[email protected]